


name: FilterMapContent

The value of this variable can be defined or overridden in .ini config files. 1 .ini config file referencing this setting variable.

It is referenced in 2 C++ source files.


#Setting Variables

#References In INI files

Location: <Workspace>/Engine/Config/BaseEngine.ini:1473, section: [Core.VirtualizationModule]

#References in C++ code


This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Developer/Virtualization/Private/VirtualizationManager.cpp:1149

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    UE::Virtualization
function     void FVirtualizationManager::ApplySettingsFromConfigFiles

Source code excerpt:

		ConfigFile.GetBool(ConfigSection, TEXT("FilterMapContent"), bFilterMapContent);
		UE_LOG(LogVirtualization, Display, TEXT("\tFilterMapContent : %s"), bFilterMapContent ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"));

	TArray<FString> DisabledAssetTypesFromIni;
	if (ConfigFile.GetArray(LegacyConfigSection, TEXT("DisabledAsset"), DisabledAssetTypesFromIni) > 0 ||

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Developer/Virtualization/Private/VirtualizationManager.h:67

Scope: file

Source code excerpt:

 *											With 'OptOut' all packages will be virtualized unless excluded via 
 *											VirtualizationFilterSettings [Default=OptOut]
 * FilterMapContent=True/False				When true any payload stored in a .umap or _BuildData.uasset file will be
 *											excluded from virtualization [Default=true]
 * PackagePath Setup:
 * In addition to the default filtering mode set above, payloads stored in packages can be filtered based on the
 * package path. This allows a package to be including in the virtualization process or excluded from it.
 * Note that these paths will be stored in the ini files under the Saved directory. To remove a path make sure to 
 * use the - syntax to remove the entry from the array, rather than removing the line itself. Otherwise it will
 * persist until the saved config file has been reset.
 * [/Script/Virtualization.VirtualizationFilterSettings]
 * +ExcludePackagePaths="/MountPoint/PathToExclude/"				Excludes any package found under '/MountPoint/PathToExclude/' from the virtualization process
 * +ExcludePackagePaths="/MountPoint/PathTo/ThePackageToExclude"	Excludes the specific package '/MountPoint/PathTo/ThePackageToExclude' from the virtualization process
 * +IncludePackagePaths="/MountPoint/PathToInclude/"				Includes any package found under '/MountPoint/PathToInclude/' in the virtualization process
 * +IncludePackagePaths="/MountPoint/PathTo/ThePackageToInclude"	Includes the specific package '/MountPoint/PathTo/ThePackageToInclude' in the virtualization process

 * FVirtualizationManager
 * Ini file setup:
 * EnablePayloadVirtualization [bool]:			When true the virtualization process will be enabled (usually when a package is submitted
												to revision control. [Default=true]
 * EnableCacheOnPull [bool]:					When true payloads will be pushed to cached storage after being pulled from persistent
 *												storage. [Default=true]
 * EnableCacheOnPush [bool]:					When true payloads will be pushed to cached storage right before being pushed to persistent
 *												storage. [Default=true]
 * MinPayloadLength  [int64]:					The minimum length (in bytes) that a payload must reach before it can be considered for
 *												virtualization. Use this to strike a balance between disk space and the number of smaller
												payloads in your project being virtualized. [Default=0]
 * BackendGraph [string]:						The name of the backend graph to use. The default graph has no backends and effectively
												disables the system. It is expected that a project will define the graph that it wants
												and then set this option [Default=ContentVirtualizationBackendGraph_None]
 * VirtualizationProcessTag [string]:			The tag to be applied to any set of packages that have had  the virtualization process run
 *												on them. Typically this means appending the tag to the description of a changelist of 
 *												packages. This value can be set to an empty string. [Default="#virtualized"]
 * AllowSubmitIfVirtualizationFailed [bool]:	Revision control submits that trigger the virtualization system can either allow or block
 *												the submit if the virtualization process fails based on this value. True will allow a
 *												submit with an error to continue and false will block the submit. Note that by error we mean
 *												that the packages were not virtualized, not that bad data was produced. [Default=false]
 * LazyInitConnections [bool]:					When true, backends will not attempt to connect to their services until actually required.
 *												This can remove lengthy connection steps from the process init phase and then only connect
 *												if we actually need that service. Note that if this is true then the connection can come from