


name: MemoryMinFreePhysical

The value of this variable can be defined or overridden in .ini config files. 1 .ini config file referencing this setting variable.

It is referenced in 15 C++ source files.


#Usage in the C++ source code

The purpose of MemoryMinFreePhysical is to set a threshold for the minimum amount of free physical memory that should be available during certain operations in Unreal Engine 5. It is primarily used for memory management and performance optimization.

This setting variable is utilized by several Unreal Engine subsystems and modules:

  1. The Nanite Displaced Mesh Editor plugin
  2. The Cook On The Fly Server
  3. The Cook Director
  4. World Partition Helpers

The value of MemoryMinFreePhysical is typically set in the configuration files, specifically in the GEditorIni file under the “CookSettings” section. It can be loaded and modified programmatically as well.

MemoryMinFreePhysical often interacts with other memory-related variables such as MemoryMaxUsedPhysical, MemoryMinFreeVirtual, and MemoryMaxUsedVirtual. These variables work together to manage memory usage and trigger garbage collection when necessary.

Developers should be aware of the following when using this variable:

  1. The value is typically expressed in bytes, but it’s often set in megabytes and then converted to bytes in the code.
  2. It’s used as a threshold to trigger garbage collection or other memory management operations when available physical memory falls below this value.
  3. In some cases, it’s used in conjunction with MemoryMaxUsedPhysical to determine when to perform memory management tasks.

Best practices when using this variable include:

  1. Set an appropriate value based on the target hardware specifications and the game’s memory requirements.
  2. Consider the relationship between this variable and other memory-related settings to ensure optimal performance.
  3. Monitor memory usage during development and adjust the value as needed to balance performance and stability.
  4. Be cautious when modifying this value, as setting it too low may result in frequent garbage collection, while setting it too high may lead to unnecessary memory restrictions.

#Setting Variables

#References In INI files

Location: <Workspace>/Engine/Config/BaseEditor.ini:354, section: [CookSettings]

#References in C++ code


This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/NaniteDisplacedMesh/Source/NaniteDisplacedMeshEditor/Private/GenerateNaniteDisplacedMeshCommandlet.cpp:141

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     int32 UGenerateNaniteDisplacedMeshCommandlet::Main

Source code excerpt:


	if (GConfig->GetInt(TEXT("CookSettings"), TEXT("MemoryMinFreePhysical"), ValueInMB, GEditorIni))
		ValueInMB = FMath::Max(ValueInMB, 0);
		MemoryMinFreePhysical = ValueInMB * 1024ULL * 1024ULL;
		UE_LOG(LogNaniteDisplacedMesh, Display, TEXT("Loaded MemoryMinFreePhysical from CookSettings (%d MiB)"), ValueInMB);

	if (GConfig->GetInt(TEXT("CookSettings"), TEXT("MemoryMaxUsedPhysical"), ValueInMB, GEditorIni))
		ValueInMB = FMath::Max(ValueInMB, 0);

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/NaniteDisplacedMesh/Source/NaniteDisplacedMeshEditor/Private/GenerateNaniteDisplacedMeshCommandlet.cpp:545

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     void UGenerateNaniteDisplacedMeshCommandlet::LoadLevel

Source code excerpt:


			if (MemoryMinFreePhysical > 0 && MemoryStats.AvailablePhysical < MemoryMinFreePhysical)
				UE_LOG(LogNaniteDisplacedMesh, Display, TEXT("Low physical memory available (%d MiB). kicking GC."), MemoryStats.AvailablePhysical / 1024 / 1024);
				return true;

			if (MemoryMaxUsedVirtual > 0 && MemoryStats.UsedVirtual > MemoryMaxUsedVirtual)

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Plugins/Experimental/NaniteDisplacedMesh/Source/NaniteDisplacedMeshEditor/Private/GenerateNaniteDisplacedMeshCommandlet.h:49

Scope (from outer to inner):

class        class UGenerateNaniteDisplacedMeshCommandlet : public UCommandlet

Source code excerpt:

	uint64 MemoryMinFreeVirtual = 8192;
	uint64 MemoryMaxUsedVirtual= 98304;
	uint64 MemoryMinFreePhysical= 8192;
	uint64 MemoryMaxUsedPhysical= 0;

	struct FOnLinkDisplacedMeshArgs
		FNaniteDisplacedMeshParams Parameters;
		FString Folder;

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/CookOnTheSide/CookOnTheFlyServer.h:329

Scope (from outer to inner):

class        class UCookOnTheFlyServer : public UObject, public FTickableEditorObject, public FExec, public UE::Cook::ICookInfo

Source code excerpt:

	uint64 MemoryMaxUsedPhysical;
	uint64 MemoryMinFreeVirtual;
	uint64 MemoryMinFreePhysical;
	FGenericPlatformMemoryStats::EMemoryPressureStatus MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel;
	float MemoryExpectedFreedToSpreadRatio;
	/** Max number of packages to save before we partial gc */
	int32 MaxNumPackagesBeforePartialGC;
	/** Max number of concurrent shader jobs reducing this too low will increase cook time */
	int32 MaxConcurrentShaderJobs;

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/CookOnTheFlyServer.cpp:4950

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     bool UCookOnTheFlyServer::PumpHasExceededMaxMemory

Source code excerpt:

	bool bMinFreeTriggered = false;
	if (MemoryMinFreeVirtual > 0 || MemoryMinFreePhysical > 0)
		// trigger GC if we have less than MemoryMinFreeVirtual OR MemoryMinFreePhysical
		// the check done in AssetCompilingManager is against the min of the two :
		//uint64 AvailableMemory = FMath::Min(MemStats.AvailablePhysical, MemStats.AvailableVirtual);
		// so for consistency the same check should be done here
		// you can get that by setting the MemoryMinFreeVirtual and MemoryMinFreePhysical config to be the same

		// AvailableVirtual is actually ullAvailPageFile (commit charge available)
		if (MemoryMinFreeVirtual > 0 && MemStats.AvailableVirtual < MemoryMinFreeVirtual)
			TriggerMessages.Appendf(TEXT("\n  CookSettings.MemoryMinFreeVirtual: Available virtual memory %dMiB is less than %dMiB."),
				static_cast<uint32>(MemStats.AvailableVirtual / 1024 / 1024), static_cast<uint32>(MemoryMinFreeVirtual / 1024 / 1024));
			bMinFreeTriggered = true;
		if (MemoryMinFreePhysical > 0 && MemStats.AvailablePhysical < MemoryMinFreePhysical)
			TriggerMessages.Appendf(TEXT("\n  CookSettings.MemoryMinFreePhysical: Available physical memory %dMiB is less than %dMiB."),
				static_cast<uint32>(MemStats.AvailablePhysical / 1024 / 1024), static_cast<uint32>(MemoryMinFreePhysical / 1024 / 1024));
			bMinFreeTriggered = true;

	// if MemoryMaxUsed is set, we won't GC until at least that much mem is used
	// this can be useful if you demand that amount of memory as your min spec

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/CookOnTheFlyServer.cpp:5033

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     bool UCookOnTheFlyServer::PumpHasExceededMaxMemory

Source code excerpt:

		const bool bOnlyTriggerIfBothMinFreeAndMaxUsedTrigger = true;
		if (!bOnlyTriggerIfBothMinFreeAndMaxUsedTrigger ||
			((bMinFreeTriggered || (MemoryMinFreeVirtual <= 0 && MemoryMinFreePhysical <= 0)) &&
				(bMaxUsedTriggered || (MemoryMaxUsedVirtual <= 0 && MemoryMaxUsedPhysical <= 0))))
			bTriggerGC = true;
	if (bPressureTriggered)

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/CookOnTheFlyServer.cpp:6900

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    UE::Cook
function     void FInitializeConfigSettings::LoadLocal

Source code excerpt:

	MemoryMaxUsedPhysical = 0;
	MemoryMinFreeVirtual = 0;
	MemoryMinFreePhysical = 0;
	bUseSoftGC = false;
	SoftGCStartNumerator = 5;
	SoftGCDenominator = 10;

	ReadMemorySetting(TEXT("MemoryMaxUsedVirtual"), MemoryMaxUsedVirtual);
	ReadMemorySetting(TEXT("MemoryMaxUsedPhysical"), MemoryMaxUsedPhysical);
	ReadMemorySetting(TEXT("MemoryMinFreeVirtual"), MemoryMinFreeVirtual);
	ReadMemorySetting(TEXT("MemoryMinFreePhysical"), MemoryMinFreePhysical);
	FString ConfigText(TEXT("None"));
	GConfig->GetString(TEXT("CookSettings"), TEXT("MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel"), ConfigText, GEditorIni);
	if (!LexTryParseString(MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel, ConfigText))
		UE_LOG(LogCook, Error, TEXT("Unrecognized value \"%s\" for MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel. Expected None or Critical."),

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/CookOnTheFlyServer.cpp:6940

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    UE::Cook
function     void FInitializeConfigSettings::LoadLocal

Source code excerpt:

		TEXT("\n\tMemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel %s")
		TEXT("\n\tUseSoftGC %s%s"),
		MemoryMaxUsedVirtual / 1024 / 1024, MemoryMaxUsedPhysical / 1024 / 1024, MemoryMinFreeVirtual / 1024 / 1024, MemoryMinFreePhysical / 1024 / 1024,
		bUseSoftGC ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"),
		bUseSoftGC ? *FString::Printf(TEXT(" (%d/%d)"), SoftGCStartNumerator, SoftGCDenominator) : TEXT(""));

	const FConfigSection* CacheSettings = GConfig->GetSection(TEXT("CookPlatformDataCacheSettings"), false, GEditorIni);
	if (CacheSettings)

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/Cooker/CookDirector.cpp:1067

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    UE::Cook
function     void FCookDirector::ActivateMachineResourceReduction

Source code excerpt:

	COTFS.MemoryMaxUsedVirtual = 0;
	COTFS.MemoryMinFreeVirtual = 0;
	COTFS.MemoryMinFreePhysical = 0;
	COTFS.MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel = FGenericPlatformMemoryStats::EMemoryPressureStatus::Critical;

	UE_LOG(LogCook, Display, TEXT("CookMultiprocess changed CookSettings for Memory:")
		TEXT("\n\tMemoryMaxUsedVirtual %dMiB")
		TEXT("\n\tMemoryMaxUsedPhysical %dMiB")
		TEXT("\n\tMemoryMinFreeVirtual %dMiB")

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/Cooker/CookDirector.cpp:1078

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    UE::Cook
function     void FCookDirector::ActivateMachineResourceReduction

Source code excerpt:

		TEXT("\n\tUseSoftGC %s%s"),
		COTFS.MemoryMaxUsedVirtual / 1024 / 1024, COTFS.MemoryMaxUsedPhysical / 1024 / 1024,
		COTFS.MemoryMinFreeVirtual / 1024 / 1024, COTFS.MemoryMinFreePhysical / 1024 / 1024,
		COTFS.bUseSoftGC ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"),
		COTFS.bUseSoftGC ? *FString::Printf(TEXT(" (%d/%d)"), COTFS.SoftGCStartNumerator, COTFS.SoftGCDenominator) : TEXT("")

	// Set CoreLimit for updating workerthreads in this process and passing to the commandline for workers

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/Cooker/CookTypes.cpp:624

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     FCbWriter& operator<<

Source code excerpt:

	Writer << "MemoryMaxUsedPhysical" << Value.MemoryMaxUsedPhysical;
	Writer << "MemoryMinFreeVirtual" << Value.MemoryMinFreeVirtual;
	Writer << "MemoryMinFreePhysical" << Value.MemoryMinFreePhysical;
	Writer << "MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel" << static_cast<uint8>(Value.MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel);
	Writer << "bUseSoftGC" << Value.bUseSoftGC;
	Writer << "SoftGCStartNumerator" << Value.SoftGCStartNumerator;
	Writer << "SoftGCDenominator" << Value.SoftGCDenominator;
	Writer << "MinFreeUObjectIndicesBeforeGC" << Value.MinFreeUObjectIndicesBeforeGC;
	Writer << "MaxNumPackagesBeforePartialGC" << Value.MaxNumPackagesBeforePartialGC;

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/Cooker/CookTypes.cpp:650

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     bool LoadFromCompactBinary

Source code excerpt:

	bOk = LoadFromCompactBinary(Field["MemoryMaxUsedPhysical"], OutValue.MemoryMaxUsedPhysical) & bOk;
	bOk = LoadFromCompactBinary(Field["MemoryMinFreeVirtual"], OutValue.MemoryMinFreeVirtual) & bOk;
	bOk = LoadFromCompactBinary(Field["MemoryMinFreePhysical"], OutValue.MemoryMinFreePhysical) & bOk;
	uint8 PressureLevelAsInt;
	if (LoadFromCompactBinary(Field["MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel"], PressureLevelAsInt))
		OutValue.MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel = static_cast<FGenericPlatformMemoryStats::EMemoryPressureStatus>(PressureLevelAsInt);

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/Cooker/CookTypes.cpp:687

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    UE::Cook
function     void FInitializeConfigSettings::MoveOrCopy

Source code excerpt:

	Target.MemoryMaxUsedPhysical = Source.MemoryMaxUsedPhysical;
	Target.MemoryMinFreeVirtual = Source.MemoryMinFreeVirtual;
	Target.MemoryMinFreePhysical = Source.MemoryMinFreePhysical;
	Target.MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel = Source.MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel;
	Target.bUseSoftGC = Source.bUseSoftGC;
	Target.SoftGCStartNumerator = Source.SoftGCStartNumerator;
	Target.SoftGCDenominator = Source.SoftGCDenominator;
	Target.MinFreeUObjectIndicesBeforeGC = Source.MinFreeUObjectIndicesBeforeGC;
	Target.MaxNumPackagesBeforePartialGC = Source.MaxNumPackagesBeforePartialGC;

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/Cooker/CookTypes.h:319

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    UE::Cook

Source code excerpt:

		uint64 MemoryMaxUsedPhysical;
		uint64 MemoryMinFreeVirtual;
		uint64 MemoryMinFreePhysical;
		FGenericPlatformMemoryStats::EMemoryPressureStatus MemoryTriggerGCAtPressureLevel;
		int32 MinFreeUObjectIndicesBeforeGC;
		int32 MaxNumPackagesBeforePartialGC;
		int32 SoftGCStartNumerator;
		int32 SoftGCDenominator;
		TArray<FString> ConfigSettingDenyList;

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/WorldPartition/WorldPartitionHelpers.cpp:238

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     bool FWorldPartitionHelpers::HasExceededMaxMemory

Source code excerpt:

	const FPlatformMemoryStats MemStats = FPlatformMemory::GetStats();

	const uint64 MemoryMinFreePhysical = 1llu * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
	const uint64 MemoryMaxUsedPhysical = FMath::Max(32llu * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, MemStats.TotalPhysical / 2);

	const bool bHasExceededMinFreePhysical = MemStats.AvailablePhysical < MemoryMinFreePhysical;
	const bool bHasExceededMaxUsedPhysical = MemStats.UsedPhysical >= MemoryMaxUsedPhysical;
	const bool bHasExceededMaxMemory = bHasExceededMinFreePhysical || bHasExceededMaxUsedPhysical;

	return bHasExceededMaxMemory;