name: Net.RepGraph.Verify
This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).
- type:
- help:
Additional, slow, verification is done on replication graph nodes. Guards against: invalid actors and dupes
It is referenced in 1
C++ source file.
#References in C++ code
This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ReplicationGraph/Source/Private/ReplicationGraph.cpp:155
Scope: file
Source code excerpt:
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.LogActorRemove", CVar_RepGraph_LogActorRemove, 0, "Logs actors that are removed from the replication graph/nodes.");
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.LogActorAdd", CVar_RepGraph_LogActorAdd, 0, "Logs actors that are added to replication graph/nodes.");
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.Verify", CVar_RepGraph_Verify, 0, "Additional, slow, verification is done on replication graph nodes. Guards against: invalid actors and dupes");
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.DisableBandwithLimit", CVar_RepGraph_DisableBandwithLimit, 0, "Disables the IsNetReady() check, effectively replicating all actors that want to replicate to each connection.");
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.TrickleDistCullOnDormancyNodes", CVar_RepGraph_TrickleDistCullOnDormancyNodes, 1, "Actors in a dormancy node that are distance culled will trickle through as dormancy node empties");
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.EnableRPCSendPolicy", CVar_RepGraph_EnableRPCSendPolicy, 1, "Enables RPC send policy (e.g, force certain functions to send immediately rather than be queued)");
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.EnableFastSharedPath", CVar_RepGraph_EnableFastSharedPath, 1, "Enables FastShared replication path for lists with EActorRepListTypeFlags::FastShared flag");
REPGRAPH_DEVCVAR_SHIPCONST(int32, "Net.RepGraph.EnableDynamicAllocationWarnings", CVar_RepGraph_EnableDynamicAllocationWarnings, 1, "Enables debug information whenever RepGraph needs to allocate new Actor Lists.");