


name: p.AnimDynamicsLODThreshold

The value of this variable can be defined or overridden in .ini config files. 2 .ini config files referencing this setting variable.

This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).

It is referenced in 4 C++ source files.


#Usage in the C++ source code

The purpose of p.AnimDynamicsLODThreshold is to set a global threshold for the maximum Level of Detail (LOD) at which animation dynamics are allowed to run. This setting is part of the animation system in Unreal Engine 5, specifically for the AnimDynamics feature.

This setting variable is primarily used by the AnimGraphRuntime module, particularly in the AnimDynamics system. It’s defined and used in the AnimNode_AnimDynamics class, which is responsible for handling dynamic animations.

The value of this variable is set through the console variable system in Unreal Engine. It’s initialized with a default value of -1, which means no override is applied by default.

The p.AnimDynamicsLODThreshold interacts closely with the LODThreshold property of individual AnimDynamics nodes. When set to a value other than -1, it overrides the per-node LODThreshold property, providing a global control mechanism.

Developers must be aware that this variable can significantly impact performance and visual quality. Setting it too low might improve performance but could reduce animation quality on higher LODs. Conversely, setting it too high might maintain high-quality animations but at the cost of performance.

Best practices when using this variable include:

  1. Use it for global optimization rather than fine-tuning individual animations.
  2. Test thoroughly to find the right balance between performance and visual quality.
  3. Consider using it in conjunction with other scalability settings for a comprehensive performance strategy.

The associated variable CVarLODThreshold is the actual console variable that stores and manages the value of p.AnimDynamicsLODThreshold. It’s defined as an integer and is used directly in the AnimDynamics system to determine whether to apply the global threshold.

The CVarLODThreshold is used in the GetLODThreshold() function of the FAnimNode_AnimDynamics class. This function compares the global threshold (CVarLODThreshold) with the node-specific threshold (LODThreshold) and returns the lower of the two when both are set.

When working with CVarLODThreshold, developers should remember that it’s a scalability setting (ECVF_Scalability), meaning it’s intended to be adjusted based on the target hardware capabilities. It’s also important to note that a value of -1 for CVarLODThreshold means no global override is applied, allowing individual node settings to take precedence.

#Setting Variables

#References In INI files

Location: <Workspace>/Projects/Lyra/Config/DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini:122, section: [IOS_Mid DeviceProfile]

Location: <Workspace>/Projects/Lyra/Config/DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini:535, section: [Android_Mid DeviceProfile]

#References in C++ code


This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/AnimGraphRuntime/Private/BoneControllers/AnimNode_AnimDynamics.cpp:19

Scope: file

Source code excerpt:

TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarRestrictLod(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsRestrictLOD"), -1, TEXT("Forces anim dynamics to be enabled for only a specified LOD, -1 to enable on all LODs."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarLODThreshold(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsLODThreshold"), -1, TEXT("Max LOD that anim dynamics is allowed to run on. Provides a global threshold that overrides per-node the LODThreshold property. -1 means no override."), ECVF_Scalability);
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableDynamics(TEXT("p.AnimDynamics"), 1, TEXT("Enables/Disables anim dynamics node updates."), ECVF_Scalability);
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableAdaptiveSubstep(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsAdaptiveSubstep"), 0, TEXT("Enables/disables adaptive substepping. Adaptive substepping will substep the simulation when it is necessary and maintain a debt buffer for time, always trying to utilise as much time as possible."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarAdaptiveSubstepNumDebtFrames(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsNumDebtFrames"), 5, TEXT("Number of frames to maintain as time debt when using adaptive substepping, this should be at least 1 or the time debt will never be cleared."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableWind(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsWind"), 1, TEXT("Enables/Disables anim dynamics wind forces globally."), ECVF_Scalability);
TAutoConsoleVariable<float> CVarComponentAppliedLinearAccClampOverride(TEXT("p.AnimDynamics.ComponentAppliedLinearAccClampOverride"), -1.0f, TEXT("Override the per asset setting for all axis (X,Y & Z) of ComponentAppliedLinearAccClamp for all Anim Dynamics Nodes. Negative values are ignored."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<float> CVarGravityScale(TEXT("p.AnimDynamics.GravityScale"), 1.0f, TEXT("Multiplies the defalut gravity and the gravity override on all Anim Dynamics Nodes."));

#Associated Variable and Callsites

This variable is associated with another variable named CVarLODThreshold. They share the same value. See the following C++ source code.

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/AnimGraphRuntime/Private/BoneControllers/AnimNode_AnimDynamics.cpp:19

Scope: file

Source code excerpt:

TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarRestrictLod(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsRestrictLOD"), -1, TEXT("Forces anim dynamics to be enabled for only a specified LOD, -1 to enable on all LODs."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarLODThreshold(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsLODThreshold"), -1, TEXT("Max LOD that anim dynamics is allowed to run on. Provides a global threshold that overrides per-node the LODThreshold property. -1 means no override."), ECVF_Scalability);
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableDynamics(TEXT("p.AnimDynamics"), 1, TEXT("Enables/Disables anim dynamics node updates."), ECVF_Scalability);
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableAdaptiveSubstep(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsAdaptiveSubstep"), 0, TEXT("Enables/disables adaptive substepping. Adaptive substepping will substep the simulation when it is necessary and maintain a debt buffer for time, always trying to utilise as much time as possible."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarAdaptiveSubstepNumDebtFrames(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsNumDebtFrames"), 5, TEXT("Number of frames to maintain as time debt when using adaptive substepping, this should be at least 1 or the time debt will never be cleared."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableWind(TEXT("p.AnimDynamicsWind"), 1, TEXT("Enables/Disables anim dynamics wind forces globally."), ECVF_Scalability);
TAutoConsoleVariable<float> CVarComponentAppliedLinearAccClampOverride(TEXT("p.AnimDynamics.ComponentAppliedLinearAccClampOverride"), -1.0f, TEXT("Override the per asset setting for all axis (X,Y & Z) of ComponentAppliedLinearAccClamp for all Anim Dynamics Nodes. Negative values are ignored."));
TAutoConsoleVariable<float> CVarGravityScale(TEXT("p.AnimDynamics.GravityScale"), 1.0f, TEXT("Multiplies the defalut gravity and the gravity override on all Anim Dynamics Nodes."));

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/AnimGraphRuntime/Private/BoneControllers/AnimNode_AnimDynamics.cpp:1119

Scope (from outer to inner):

function     int32 FAnimNode_AnimDynamics::GetLODThreshold

Source code excerpt:

int32 FAnimNode_AnimDynamics::GetLODThreshold() const
	if(CVarLODThreshold.GetValueOnAnyThread() != -1)
		if(LODThreshold != -1)
			return FMath::Min(LODThreshold, CVarLODThreshold.GetValueOnAnyThread());
			return CVarLODThreshold.GetValueOnAnyThread();
		return LODThreshold;

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/AnimGraphRuntime/Public/BoneControllers/AnimNode_AnimDynamics.h:17

Scope: file

Source code excerpt:

extern TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableDynamics;
extern ANIMGRAPHRUNTIME_API TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarLODThreshold;
extern TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarEnableWind;


extern TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarShowDebug;
extern TAutoConsoleVariable<FString> CVarDebugBone;