name: r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.AABBScale
This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).
- type:
- help:
Scaling value for loosing/tighting deep shadow bounding volume
It is referenced in 1
C++ source file.
#References in C++ code
This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/HairStrands/HairStrandsUtils.cpp:33
Scope: file
Source code excerpt:
static float GDeepShadowAABBScale = 1.0f;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarDeepShadowAABBScale(TEXT("r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.AABBScale"), GDeepShadowAABBScale, TEXT("Scaling value for loosing/tighting deep shadow bounding volume"));
static int32 GHairVisibilityRectOptimEnable = 1;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarHairVisibilityRectOptimEnable(TEXT("r.HairStrands.RectLightingOptim"), GHairVisibilityRectOptimEnable, TEXT("Hair Visibility use projected view rect to light only relevant pixels"));
static int32 GHairStrandsComposeAfterTranslucency = 1;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarHairStrandsComposeAfterTranslucency(TEXT("r.HairStrands.ComposeAfterTranslucency"), GHairStrandsComposeAfterTranslucency, TEXT("0: Compose hair before translucent objects. 1: Compose hair after translucent objects, but before separate translucent objects. 2: Compose hair after all/seperate translucent objects, 3: Compose hair after translucent objects but before translucent render after DOF (which allows depth testing against hair depth)"));