name: r.SparseVolumeTexture.Streaming.AsyncThread
This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).
- type:
- help:
Perform most of the SVT streaming on an asynchronous worker thread instead of the rendering thread.
It is referenced in 2
C++ source files.
#References in C++ code
This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/SparseVolumeTexture/SparseVolumeTextureStreamingManager.cpp:33
Scope: file
Source code excerpt:
static int32 GSVTStreamingAsyncThread = 1;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarSVTStreamingAsync(
TEXT("Perform most of the SVT streaming on an asynchronous worker thread instead of the rendering thread."),
static int32 GSVTStreamingEmptyPhysicalTileTextures = 0;
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/SparseVolumeTexture/ISparseVolumeTextureStreamingManager.h:73
Scope (from outer to inner):
namespace UE
namespace SVT
class class IStreamingManager
Source code excerpt:
//~ Begin rendering thread functions.
virtual void Request(UStreamableSparseVolumeTexture* SparseVolumeTexture, uint32 StreamingInstanceKey, float FrameRate, float FrameIndex, float MipLevel, EStreamingRequestFlags Flags) = 0;
// Begins updating the streaming manager. If r.SparseVolumeTexture.Streaming.AsyncThread is 1 and bUseAsyncThread is true, most of the updating work is done in another thread.
virtual void BeginAsyncUpdate(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder, bool bUseAsyncThread = true) = 0;
// Waits for the job started in BeginAsyncUpdate() to complete, issues GPU work and does some cleanup.
virtual void EndAsyncUpdate(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder) = 0;
// Returns a FStreamingDebugInfo useful for debugging streaming performance. All data is allocated on the passed in GraphBuilder.
virtual const FStreamingDebugInfo* GetStreamingDebugInfo(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder) const = 0;
//~ End rendering thread functions.