name: VI.AllowWorldRotationPitchAndRoll
This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).
- type:
- help:
When enabled, you\'ll not only be able to yaw, but also pitch and roll the world when rotating by gripping with two hands
It is referenced in 1
C++ source file.
#References in C++ code
This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/ViewportInteraction/Private/ViewportWorldInteraction.cpp:52
Scope (from outer to inner):
namespace VI
Source code excerpt:
static FAutoConsoleVariable GizmoScaleInDesktop( TEXT( "VI.GizmoScaleInDesktop" ), 0.35f, TEXT( "How big the transform gizmo should be when used in desktop mode" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable AllowVerticalWorldMovement( TEXT( "VI.AllowVerticalWorldMovement" ), 1, TEXT( "Whether you can move your tracking space away from the origin or not" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable AllowWorldRotationPitchAndRoll( TEXT( "VI.AllowWorldRotationPitchAndRoll" ), 0, TEXT( "When enabled, you'll not only be able to yaw, but also pitch and roll the world when rotating by gripping with two hands" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable WorldScalingDragThreshold( TEXT( "VI.WorldScalingDragThreshold" ), 7.0f, TEXT( "How much you need to perform a scale gesture before world scaling starts to happen." ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable WorldRotationDragThreshold( TEXT( "VI.WorldRotationDragThreshold" ), 8.0f, TEXT( "How much (degrees) you need to perform a rotation gesture before world rotation starts to happen." ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable InertiaVelocityBoost( TEXT( "VI.InertiaVelocityBoost" ), 0.5f, TEXT( "How much to scale object velocity when releasing dragged simulating objects in Simulate mode" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable SweepPhysicsWhileSimulating( TEXT( "VI.SweepPhysicsWhileSimulating" ), 0, TEXT( "If enabled, simulated objects won't be able to penetrate other objects while being dragged in Simulate mode" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable PlacementInterpolationDuration( TEXT( "VI.PlacementInterpolationDuration" ), 0.6f, TEXT( "How long we should interpolate newly-placed objects to their target location." ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable PlacementOffsetScaleWhileSimulating( TEXT( "VI.PlacementOffsetScaleWhileSimulating" ), 0.25f, TEXT( "How far to additionally offset objects (as a scalar percentage of the gizmo bounds) from the placement impact point while simulate mode is active" ) );