


name: VI.ElasticSnapStrength

This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).

It is referenced in 1 C++ source file.


#References in C++ code


This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/ViewportInteraction/Private/ViewportWorldInteraction.cpp:63

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    VI

Source code excerpt:

	static FAutoConsoleVariable SmoothSnapSpeed( TEXT( "VI.SmoothSnapSpeed" ), 30.0f, TEXT( "How quickly objects should interpolate to their new position when grid snapping is enabled" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable ElasticSnap( TEXT( "VI.ElasticSnap" ), 1, TEXT( "When enabled with grid snap, you can 'pull' objects slightly away from their snapped position" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable ElasticSnapStrength( TEXT( "VI.ElasticSnapStrength" ), 0.3f, TEXT( "How much objects should 'reach' toward their unsnapped position when elastic snapping is enabled with grid snap" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable ScaleMax( TEXT( "VI.ScaleMax" ), 6000.0f, TEXT( "Maximum world scale in centimeters" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable ScaleMin( TEXT( "VI.ScaleMin" ), 10.0f, TEXT( "Minimum world scale in centimeters" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable DragAtLaserImpactInterpolationDuration( TEXT( "VI.DragAtLaserImpactInterpolationDuration" ), 0.1f, TEXT( "How long we should interpolate objects between positions when dragging under the laser's impact point" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable DragAtLaserImpactInterpolationThreshold( TEXT( "VI.DragAtLaserImpactInterpolationThreshold" ), 5.0f, TEXT( "Minimum distance jumped between frames before we'll force interpolation mode to activated" ) );

	static FAutoConsoleVariable ForceGizmoPivotToCenterOfObjectsBounds( TEXT( "VI.ForceGizmoPivotToCenterOfObjectsBounds" ), 0, TEXT( "When enabled, the gizmo's pivot will always be centered on the selected objects.  Otherwise, we use the pivot of the last selected object." ) );