name: VI.GizmoHandleHoverAnimationDuration
This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).
- type:
- help:
How quickly to animate gizmo handle hover state
It is referenced in 1
C++ source file.
#References in C++ code
This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/ViewportInteraction/Private/ViewportWorldInteraction.cpp:71
Scope (from outer to inner):
namespace VI
Source code excerpt:
static FAutoConsoleVariable ForceGizmoPivotToCenterOfObjectsBounds( TEXT( "VI.ForceGizmoPivotToCenterOfObjectsBounds" ), 0, TEXT( "When enabled, the gizmo's pivot will always be centered on the selected objects. Otherwise, we use the pivot of the last selected object." ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable GizmoHandleHoverScale( TEXT( "VI.GizmoHandleHoverScale" ), 1.5f, TEXT( "How much to scale up transform gizmo handles when hovered over" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable GizmoHandleHoverAnimationDuration( TEXT( "VI.GizmoHandleHoverAnimationDuration" ), 0.1f, TEXT( "How quickly to animate gizmo handle hover state" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable ShowTransformGizmo( TEXT( "VI.ShowTransformGizmo" ), 1, TEXT( "Whether the transform gizmo should be shown for selected objects" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable DragTranslationVelocityStopEpsilon( TEXT( "VI.DragTranslationVelocityStopEpsilon" ), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER, TEXT( "When dragging inertia falls below this value (cm/frame), we'll stop inertia and finalize the drag" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable SnapGridSize( TEXT( "VI.SnapGridSize" ), 3.0f, TEXT( "How big the snap grid should be. At 1.0, this will be the maximum of the gizmo's bounding box and a multiple of the current grid snap size" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable SnapGridLineWidth( TEXT( "VI.SnapGridLineWidth" ), 3.0f, TEXT( "Width of the grid lines on the snap grid" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable MinVelocityForInertia( TEXT( "VI.MinVelocityForInertia" ), 1.0f, TEXT( "Minimum velocity (in cm/frame in unscaled room space) before inertia will kick in when releasing objects (or the world)" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable GridHapticFeedbackStrength( TEXT( "VI.GridHapticFeedbackStrength" ), 0.4f, TEXT( "Default strength for haptic feedback when moving across grid points" ) );