name: VI.GridHapticFeedbackStrength
This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).
- type:
- help:
Default strength for haptic feedback when moving across grid points
It is referenced in 1
C++ source file.
#References in C++ code
This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/ViewportInteraction/Private/ViewportWorldInteraction.cpp:77
Scope (from outer to inner):
namespace VI
Source code excerpt:
static FAutoConsoleVariable SnapGridLineWidth( TEXT( "VI.SnapGridLineWidth" ), 3.0f, TEXT( "Width of the grid lines on the snap grid" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable MinVelocityForInertia( TEXT( "VI.MinVelocityForInertia" ), 1.0f, TEXT( "Minimum velocity (in cm/frame in unscaled room space) before inertia will kick in when releasing objects (or the world)" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable GridHapticFeedbackStrength( TEXT( "VI.GridHapticFeedbackStrength" ), 0.4f, TEXT( "Default strength for haptic feedback when moving across grid points" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable ActorSnap(TEXT("VI.ActorSnap"), 0, TEXT("Whether or not to snap to Actors in the scene. Off by default, set to 1 to enable."));
static FAutoConsoleVariable AlignCandidateDistance(TEXT("VI.AlignCandidateDistance"), 2.0f, TEXT("The distance candidate actors can be from our transformable (in multiples of our transformable's size"));
static FAutoConsoleVariable ForceSnapDistance(TEXT("VI.ForceSnapDistance"), 25.0f, TEXT("The distance (in % of transformable size) where guide lines indicate that actors are aligned"));
static FAutoConsoleVariable AllowCarryingCertainObjects(TEXT("VI.AllowCarryingCertainObjects"), 1, TEXT("When enabled, allows the user to freely move and rotate certain selected objects with a one-hand drag."));
static FAutoConsoleVariable CarrySmoothingLerpAlpha(TEXT("VI.CarrySmoothingLerpAlpha"), 1.0f, TEXT("How much to smooth out movement of the object you're carrying."));