name: VREd.HeadLocationMaxVelocity
This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).
- type:
- help:
For head velocity indicator, the maximum location velocity in cm/s
It is referenced in 1
C++ source file.
#References in C++ code
This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:
#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/VREditor/Private/VREditorMode.cpp:70
Scope (from outer to inner):
namespace VREd
Source code excerpt:
static FAutoConsoleVariable HeadVelocityMinLineThickness( TEXT( "VREd.HeadVelocityMinLineThickness" ), 0.05f, TEXT( "How thick the head velocity ring lines should be" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable HeadVelocityMaxLineThickness( TEXT( "VREd.HeadVelocityMaxLineThickness" ), 0.4f, TEXT( "How thick the head velocity ring lines should be" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable HeadLocationMaxVelocity( TEXT( "VREd.HeadLocationMaxVelocity" ), 25.0f, TEXT( "For head velocity indicator, the maximum location velocity in cm/s" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable HeadRotationMaxVelocity( TEXT( "VREd.HeadRotationMaxVelocity" ), 80.0f, TEXT( "For head velocity indicator, the maximum rotation velocity in degrees/s" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable HeadLocationVelocityOffset( TEXT( "VREd.HeadLocationVelocityOffset" ), TEXT( "X=20, Y=0, Z=5" ), TEXT( "Offset relative to head for location velocity debug indicator" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable HeadRotationVelocityOffset( TEXT( "VREd.HeadRotationVelocityOffset" ), TEXT( "X=20, Y=0, Z=-5" ), TEXT( "Offset relative to head for rotation velocity debug indicator" ) );
static FAutoConsoleVariable SFXMultiplier(TEXT("VREd.SFXMultiplier"), 1.5f, TEXT("Default Sound Effect Volume Multiplier"));
static FAutoConsoleCommand ToggleDebugMode(TEXT("VREd.ToggleDebugMode"), TEXT("Toggles debug mode of the VR Mode"), FConsoleCommandDelegate::CreateStatic(&UVREditorMode::ToggleDebugMode));