


name: VREd.TeleportDragSpeed

This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).

It is referenced in 1 C++ source file.


#References in C++ code


This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/VREditor/Private/Teleporter/VREditorTeleporter.cpp:27

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    VREd

Source code excerpt:

	static FAutoConsoleVariable TeleportEnableChangeScale(TEXT("VREd.TeleportEnableChangeScale"), 0, TEXT("Ability to change the world to meters scale while teleporting"));
	static FAutoConsoleVariable TeleportFadeInAnimateSpeed(TEXT("VREd.TeleportAnimateSpeed"), 3.0f, TEXT("How fast the teleporter should fade in"));
	static FAutoConsoleVariable TeleportDragSpeed(TEXT("VREd.TeleportDragSpeed"), 0.3f, TEXT("How fast the teleporter should drag behind the laser aiming location"));
	static FAutoConsoleVariable TeleportAllowScaleBackToDefault(TEXT("VREd.TeleportAllowScaleBackToDefault"), 1, TEXT("Scale back to default world to meters scale"));
	static FAutoConsoleVariable TeleportAllowPushPull(TEXT("VREd.TeleportAllowPushPull"), 1, TEXT("Allow being able to push and pull the teleporter along the laser."));
	static FAutoConsoleVariable TeleportSlideBuffer(TEXT("VREd.TeleportSlideBuffer"), 0.01f, TEXT("The minimum slide on trackpad to push/pull or change scale."));
