


name: VREd.TrackpadRelativeDragSpeed

This variable is created as a Console Variable (cvar).

It is referenced in 1 C++ source file.


#References in C++ code


This variable is referenced in the following C++ source code:

#Loc: <Workspace>/Engine/Source/Editor/VREditor/Private/VREditorInteractor.cpp:58

Scope (from outer to inner):

namespace    VREd

Source code excerpt:

	static FAutoConsoleVariable TrackpadAbsoluteDragSpeed( TEXT( "VREd.TrackpadAbsoluteDragSpeed" ), 80.0f, TEXT( "How fast objects move toward or away when you drag on the touchpad while carrying them" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable TrackpadRelativeDragSpeed( TEXT( "VREd.TrackpadRelativeDragSpeed" ), 8.0f, TEXT( "How fast objects move toward or away when you hold a direction on an analog stick while carrying them" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable MinVelocityForInertia( TEXT( "VREd.MinVelocityForMotionControllerInertia" ), 1.0f, TEXT( "Minimum velocity (in cm/frame in unscaled room space) before inertia will kick in when releasing objects (or the world)" ) );

	static FAutoConsoleVariable SequencerScrubMax( TEXT( "VREd.SequencerScrubMax" ), 2.0f, TEXT( "Max fast forward or fast reverse magnitude" ) );

	static FAutoConsoleVariable ShowControllerHelpLabels( TEXT( "VREd.ShowControllerHelpLabels" ), 0, TEXT( "Enables help text overlay when controllers are near the viewer" ) );
	static FAutoConsoleVariable HelpLabelFadeDuration( TEXT( "VREd.HelpLabelFadeDuration" ), 0.4f, TEXT( "Duration to fade controller help labels in and out" ) );